ESA Annual Meetings Online Program

Teaching undergraduates how to conduct research: From concepts to publication

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Exhibit Hall A, Floor One (Knoxville Convention Center)
R. Strecker , Entomology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
Linda M. Hooper-Bui , Entomology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
Undergraduate research experiences are important components of undergraduate degrees in science that are frequently overlooked because they are often unrequired. We developed an undergraduate research program that trains undergraduates in all parts of the research process from grant writing to laboratory or field research to publications. This 1-2 year program begins with literature review and identifying a question by the undergraduate researcher. They participate in grant writing and conduct research under close mentoring by scientists. Our students have been awarded between $1500 -$2200 each in competitive research grants for undergraduates. Students are mentored through the data analysis and writing process by the PI.  The PI also teaches workshops for underrepresented undergraduate researchers on scientific writing and presentations. Undergraduates participating in our wetland research program produce 1-3 peer-reviewed scientific papers by graduation. Students are encouraged to attend conferences and present talks or posters and are mentored through each step in the process. Each undergraduate participating in our program attends at least one scientific meeting during their time working with our group. Previously, 2-4 students have participated in this research program every year. Because of a recent grant, the program will increase to 6-10 undergraduate researchers.
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