Tuesday, December 11, 2007: 8:00 AM-12:00 PM

Pacific Salon Six, Golden Pacific Ballroom, Second Floor (Town & Country)

Symposium: The Role of Landscape Heterogeneity in Insect Metapopulations and Metacommunities

Organizer(s): Kavitha Damal, kdamal@ilstu.edu
Paul Leisnham, pleisnh@ilstu.edu
8:00 AM Introductory Remarks
8:05 AM 0815A mosquito 'Hitchhiker's Guide' to south Florida: Human-aided dispersal of Aedes aegypti via tire movement?
Kavitha Damal, kdamal@ilstu.edu, Sabine Loew
8:25 AM0816Effects of encroaching forest on the dispersal and dynamics of the Rocky Mountain Apollo butterfly, Parnassius smintheus
Stephen Matter, mattersf@email.uc.edu, Jens Roland, Nusha Keyghobadi
8:50 AM0817Dispersal ability and genetic structure in aquatic invertebrates: A comparative study in southern California streams and reservoirs
Andrew J. Bohonak, bohonak@sciences.sdsu.edu, Julianne M. Zickovich
9:15 AM0818Spatial variation in grasshopper body size: patterns, mechanisms, and selection
Jason Jannot, jjannot@ilstu.edu, S.A. Juliano, S. Loew, O. Akman, T. Comar
9:40 AM 0819Landscape heterogeneity and ant invasions in southern California
David A. Holway, dholway@biomal.ucsd.edu, Sean Menke
10:05 AM Break
10:15 AM 0820Metapopulation structure of insects and spiders in remote island communities: Why worry about history?
George K. Roderick, roderick@berkeley.edu, Rosemary Gillespie
10:40 AM 0821Time scales and metapopulation dynamics
Alan Hastings, amhastings@ucdavis.edu
11:05 AM 0822Biological constraints to adaptation by patchy metapopulations to use spatial heterogeneity
David Andow, dandow@umn.edu, Y. Hu
11:30 AM0823Landscape characteristics shape population genetic structure in Jerusalem crickets (Orthoptera: Stenopelmatidae: Stenopelmatus sp.)
Amy Vandergast, avandergast@usgs.gov
11:55 AM Concluding Remarks

See more of Member Symposia
See more of The 2007 ESA Annual Meeting, December 9-12, 2007