Wednesday, 29 October 2003

This presentation is part of : Display Presentations, Section Cd. Behavior and Ecology

Sex pheromone blend ratio of the eastern tent caterpillar moth

Kenneth F. Haynes1, Charlene N. Rucker1, Shelby Stamper1, Francis X. Webster2, Philipp Kirsch3, and Bryan G. Spohn1. (1) University of Kentucky, Department of Entomology, Lexington, KY, (2) State University of New York, Chemistry, College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry, 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY, (3) IPM Technologies, 4134 N Vancouver Ave, Portland, OR

Research conducted over the past two to three years has established a connection between eastern tent caterpillars (ETC) and Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome, a disease that was first recognized in 2001. The sudden promotion of this insect from a relatively benign status to one that poses a periodic threat to a key industry of Kentucky has prompted us to begin to explore the potential of sex pheromones for monitoring and control of ETC populations. We determined the blend ratio of (E,Z)-5,7-dodecadienal (ETC:Ald) and (E,Z)-5,7-dodecadienol (ETC:OH) in gland extracts. During the calling period female sex pheromone glands contain approximately a 3:1 blend of ETC:Ald and ETC:OH. We evaluated the response of males to different blend ratios of these two compounds in both the wind tunnel and in field trapping. Males respond to a wide range of blends of these two compounds, but optimal attraction was seen with a 5:1 blend of ETC:Ald and ETC:OH.

Species 1: Lepidoptera Lasiocampidae Malacosoma americanum (Eastern tent caterpillar)
Keywords: sex pheromone gland, sex attractant

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