Wednesday, December 12, 2001 -

Timing and method of abamectin and spinosad applications to control avocado thrips

Ben A. Faber, Pascal Oevering, and Phil A . Phillips. University of California Cooperative Extension, 669 County Square Drive #100, Ventura, CA

Timing and Method of Abamectin and Spinosad Application to Control Avocado thrips

Avocado thrips (Scitothrips persea Nakahara) has been a major pest on avocado (Persea americana Miller) in Southern California since 1996. Insecticide application is the only effective control currently available to growers, for which spinosad has had full registration on avocado since 2000, whilst abamectin has had emergency registration since 1999. Since most damage is caused when thrips feed on small fruits, control of thrips population size during fruit set is critical to achieve marketable fruit quality. This study investigated the effects of air and backpack application methods and concentration of abamectin shortly before the bloom, and compared application methods of abamectin with spinosad during fruit set. Treatment effects on thrips numbers present on leaves were recorded for 10 weeks following application. This poster discusses the observed effects during field studies that were conducted between April and July 2001 at sites in Ventura County.

Species 1: Thysanoptera Thripidae Scirtothrips persea (avocado thrips)
Keywords: insecticide application, ventura california

The ESA 2001 Annual Meeting - 2001: An Entomological Odyssey of ESA