Monday, December 10, 2001 - 9:36 AM

Imported natural enemies of the Formosan subterranean termite

Janine E. Powell, USDA-ARS, Formosan Subterranean Termite Research Unit, P. O. Box 225, Stoneville, MS and Changlu Wang, USDA-ARS, Stoneville Research Quarantine Facility, P. O. Box 225, Stoneville, MS.

Natural enemies of the Formosan subterranean termite (FST) have been imported from China since 1999. Certain common species of entomopathogenic bacteria and fungi have been isolated repeatedly from new material. Strain differences are apparent after laboratory evaluation. A large effort aimed at importing nematodes from China has been initiated. This presentation will reveal information on the effect of these natural enemies on mortality of FST in the laboratory.

Species 1: Isoptera Rhinotermitidae Coptotermes formosanus (Formosan subterranean termite)
Keywords: entomopathogen, nematode

The ESA 2001 Annual Meeting - 2001: An Entomological Odyssey of ESA