Monday, December 10, 2001 -

Semiochemicals released during Sitophilus zeamais feeding: Attraction and identification

L. M. C. Rebouças1, F. A. O. Paulino1, F. C. Griepink2, M. G. Silva1, V. T. Lima1, and A. E. G. Sant´Ana1. (1) Universidade Federal Alagoas, Chemistry, Departamento de Química - CCEN, Tabuleiro dos Martins, Maceió, Brazil, (2) Plant Research International IPO/DLO, P.O.Box 16 - 6700 AA, Wageningen, Netherlands

The effect of Sitophilus zeamais M (Coleopteran: Curculionidae) on the composition of the volatile blends released by maize grain was investigated by collecting volatiles from undamaged grain, and damaged grain on which male and female S. zeamais were actively feeding during 4, 8 and 40 days. Volatiles from male (MM) and female (MF) separately feeding on the grain during 4 and 8 days were also collecting. The female response to volatiles from male feeding on the grain 4 days (MM) were significantly high compared to undamaged maize grain and the aggregation pheromone, (4S,5R)-5-hydroxy-4-methyl-3-heptanone. The MM extract showed response by EAG. A blend of 11 compounds was observed to be emitted by the complex male-grain and male-female-grain damaged. No compound was observed in the female-grain. The compounds 1-hexanol, ethyl-benzene, 2-etil-1-hexanol, nonane, á-pineno, decane, 4-etil-acetofenone, undecane, nonanal, dodecane e decanal were presents in the male-maize grain extract (MM). Nonanal, showed significantly response to the female in the four choice olfactometer and in the EAG.

Species 1: Coleopteran Curculionidae Sitophilus zeamai (maize weevil)
Keywords: Zea may volatile, Sitophilus zeamais

The ESA 2001 Annual Meeting - 2001: An Entomological Odyssey of ESA